If you do half square triangle blocks often, this is atime saverfor sure. Easily square up half square triangles accurate and perfect.
You can trim your dog ears while trimming the non-stitched edges of half-square triangles. Exclusive edge slots removes dog ears at the same time. Makes the assembly of quilt pieces more accurate.
One alignment. Two Cuts = trims all four sides of half-square trianlges. Makes cutting quilt pieces go faster.
Easy, Efficient & Accurate. Clear markings and instructions are found on product for quick reference.
11 sizes included with each pair of trimmers, from 1.5" to 6.5".
Conveniently two stytles of trimmer, One ruler cuts 2", 3", 4", 5" & 6" HSTs,the other is for cuts 1.5", 2.5", 3.5", 4.5", 5.5", & 6.6" HSTs.
It has a wide range of uses. It also can be used to squaring-up hourglass blocks; strip piecing half-square triangles; strip-tube method of block construction; fussy cutting.